"Right, i can do this. First things first, I'll get up early. Yeah, thats a great start."
"What next? Ah, a nice cup of tea. Perfect. Comfy chair - check. Some snacks. Just in case."
"Nice one, right, now let's focus. Come on, focus. Focus. Yeah, that's it, I'm focussing now. Oh yeah, I'm the king of focussing. I can't believe how easy it is to focus..."
Five minutes later...
"I better check Facebook actually. Yeah, someone might have 'liked' my status. I need to know"
"Oh look, someone's posted a compilation video of Cristiano Ronaldo's goals. Its only four minutes long, go on then"
"While that's loading I'll just check my e-mails. Another productive move. I'm doing well today"
"Oh dear, my tea's gone cold. I need another one, I cant work without a nice cup of tea"
"Actually, while I'm down in the kitchen, I better make some lunch, it's getting on a bit"
"Oh look, a squirrel in the garden. I wonder what it's going to do?"
"Oh, it... it just climbed that tree. It's gone"
"Look i have a text... 'do i want to go for a pint?'"
'No sorry mate, I'm working hard today'
Half an hour later...
'How about that pint mate? I can't focus on this work"
____________________________________________________________________________For many of us, this scenario is all too familiar. It would appear that the moment we have some important work to do, we suddenly find that folding clothes, hoovering and washing up are far more exciting ways to occupy ourselves. Focussing can be very difficult, particularly given the draws of the internet and the surprisingly high level of amusement found in endless videos of dogs on skateboards.
Help is at hand, however, via the glory of music. The following is a handy list of albums and artists that have inspired me to quit Facebook, turn off my e-mails, forget about Youtube and really get down to work. So, grab a cup of coffee, fire up Spotify, get your headphones out and see what you think...
In at number FIVE: Daft Punk - Discovery
Spotify link... Daft Punk – Discovery
Definitely one for the big headphones. Sit back, switch on and feel the driving base rhythms block out the irrelevance of your surroundings and channel your focus right down to your work. With tracks like 'One More Time', 'Aerodynamic' and 'Digital Love' blasting in your ears you will find yourself getting lost in the music as it kick starts your creativity. Furthermore, the high energy of the music will keep you awake therefore reducing the need for a caffeine boost.
In at number FOUR: The Cinematic Orchestra (Ma Fleur and/or Every Day)
In at number FOUR: The Cinematic Orchestra (Ma Fleur and/or Every Day)
Spotify link... The Cinematic Orchestra
If you find the familiarity of Daft Punk too distracting, how about some new music? The Cinematic Orchestra combine fantastic fusion of jazz, classical and chillout music with some truly brilliant guest vocalists, none more memorable than Patrick Watson who sessions on 'To Build A Home' and 'Music Box'. On their own these albums are a formidable force to combat procrastination but how about downloading the FREE software on http://www.last.fm/, typing "The Cinematic Orchestra" into the radio function and discover a plethora of similar artists with some equally interesting sounds.
In at THREE: Classic FM
Link to homepage here - http://www.classicfm.co.uk/, also available on 100.9FM
For those with a more traditional and refined taste there is Classic FM, a radio station has always inspired in me a very intellectual timbre: calm; non-eccentric; sophisticated conversation and - of course - some of the best working music you could ask for. There is a terrifically rich, pure and non-aggressive essence to classical music that seems to harness the cognitive power of the brain. Great stuff.
In at TWO: Bonobo (Black Sands)
Spotify Link... Bonobo – Black Sands
Super chilled out. Groovy jazzy base. Catchy offbeat riffs complemented superbly by sporadic yet enriching vocals, all held together by tight and intricate percussion. I don't know what it is about Black Sands but there are no albums quite like it for drawing out your creative side. For those times when you need to really get your head together and push through with a piece of work this stunning album calms you down and gets you right on task. As close to perfection as you could need to get.
Spotify Link... Radiohead
Maybe I have a slightly bias outlook given that I am head-over-heels in love with this band but I have the results to fully justify elevating the Radiohead back catalogue to number one on my list. This music is dissertation fuel and should be reserved for the most intense work sessions. The unrivalled variety of stimulating sounds, pioneering experimentalism, wonderfully composed and passionately assembled albums permeated throughout with Thom Yorke's uniquely emotional and enchanting voice are just a cross-section of the infinite list of superlatives afforded to Radiohead over the years. When listening to this band you get lost; immersed; engulfed in the music. All outside distractions are immediately eliminated leaving just you and your task. What more could you ask for? Not much I'm afraid. Radiohead - number one. Unquestionable.
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